Friday, March 20, 2020


aSydney harbour

WE ARE QUITE SURE that we are a thinking physical being walking around in a material world. But is it possible that the material world is only a simulation, an illusion that exists within our mind and projected outwards, making it the world we believe is reality? 

What if our entire universe only consists of what we are perceiving right now in this very moment? What if outside of what we perceive lies nothing at all? If that was so then, what we see would not be reality at all but simply a reflection of our present state of mind.

When we have a dream, are the characters in our dream conscious, or are they simply projections of our mind? Why then do we think our waking world is any different? Why do we think one occurs inside our mind and the other outside it? Is it possible that both are occurring within our mind and not outside of it?

“How do we know that other people we encounter are actually
conscious themselves and aren’t just projections of our mind?
Have we ever experienced anyone else’s consciousness but our own?”

Are we perhaps the only conscious being that exists in our universe? Is this assumption more or less reasonable to accept than it is to conclude that all the other people we encounter are just as conscious as we are?

What happens to our world when we are asleep? Does it carry on regardless... or does it not? Could it be possible that you, the reader has manifested this blog post yourself, because you are the only one that really exists and I, the purported author is only a perception in your mind?

It’s difficult to fathom a credible explanation of reality that we can fully understand, but by being bold enough to ask ourselves these types of questions (without our ego self trying to answer them), we then at least have a chance of allowing that inner voice within to provide the answers…

Dan’s Quote: “All that we perceive to be real comes through our senses and thoughts,
____________people, places, events, dreams - everything!"

Header: Sunset over Sydney Harbour, New South Wales, Australia.

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