Friday, July 8, 2016

A Flash Of Inspiration

Camel riding in WA

WE TEND TO SEEK OUTSIDE ADVICE to solve the problems of everyday life... an authority that we believe is more intelligent than us. Psychologists, psychiatrists, philosophers, religious leaders, any so called expert who we believe can supply the answers to the problems we have with the world today.

In an attempt to fix these problems, we usually create laws against, fines and jail terms for, rehabilitation centres to help, law enforcement agencies to protect, penalties to deter, incentives or enticements to obey. It becomes evident that all these measures are useless for the problems not only persist, but escalate over time.

No matter how much thought is put into it and how earnest we may be to find a solution to the worlds problems, we are only treating the symptoms. We... and the so called experts, can only look at what has happened before... and the answers are just not there.

The past has happened already. If there was a solution there, there would not be a problem to deal with. New problems need new solutions. Any problems we have now, no matter what they are, need a new approach.

If you want something you’ve never had,
then you’ll have to do something you’ve never done.

Edison’s light bulb had nothing to do with wax and wicks. The inspiration came to him in a flash that took away the darkness and lit up our world. When Fleming discovered penicillin, the solution literally flew in through the window. The last thing anyone would think was that mould could heal, but it did and still does today.

Mankind’s major advances, all the ways we have found to solve or alleviate problems in the past has been caused by a flash of inspiration, a sudden realization of what the answer to the problem is.

To solve the problems of the world, whether social, technical, medical... or whatever, we need to be inspired, to see the problem as it is NOW! Completely and clearly in a new light, without the handicap of thoughts emanating from the past...

Dan’s Quote: “Inspiration could be called inhaling the memory
_____________of an act never experienced before.”
Header picture: Camel Tours, Broome Western Australia.

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