Friday, March 4, 2016

From Cradle To Grave

Aurora australis spotted from Howden, Tasmania, in the early hours this morning by Sophie Fazackerley!

NONE OF US ARE GETTING OUT OF HERE ALIVE!.. Certainly not in a physical sense anyway. But while you are here, you have a ‘purpose’... a job to do. You were born into this world explicitly to experience and learn all about what it’s like to be uniquely you... the person you call ‘Me’.

Before you were born, you were given a basic life agenda that included situations you haven’t as yet experienced in your 'many previous lifetimes'... and repeating the ones you failed to learn from. The reason your agenda is not set in stone is because you have free will, therefore your fate is never sealed.

This means our future cannot already be written... not completely. That would not be fair. Life always gives us chances. This lifetime is one of them. Between the cradle and the grave we have a life to experience, a story to tell, lessons to be learned, and when it is finished... it will be time to go home and rest for awhile.

It’s an epic quest, with every conceivable contrast included... heaps of love and laughter mixed in with pain and heartache, sadness and joy, fear and loss... but that’s what makes this life journey so worth living.

There is a yearning within everyone of us. A deep-seated sense of purpose that we don’t quite understand, but it’s there lurking in the 'back of our mind'. When we finally know what it is, we’ll become an unstoppable force. Absolutely nothing can stand between us and the manifestation of our ultimate destiny.

How do you reveal your life’s purpose? Well, you have to uncover that for yourself. It differs from person to person. Your purpose isn’t static either. It may very well change and evolve throughout the course of your life.

Heraclitus explained it nicely when he said “No man steps in the same river twice,
for it’s not the same river... and he’s not the same man.”

While we are experiencing life as a human being, we focus exclusively on the physical. We explore. We test our reserves. We conquer the negative elements. We are inspired to constant, never-ending, personal improvement and expansion – life after life after life...

Dan’s Quote: “The more wisdom you attain and the more conscious you become, 
___________________the ‘crazier’ you will appear to others.”
Inspiration for this post came partly from reading  Stephen Parato’s blog
and from a quote by Richard Gere (opening line) posted on Facebook.

Header picture: Aurora Australis in the early hours of the morning.
Howden, Tasmania,
 Australia; by Sophie Fazackerley.

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