Saturday, August 17, 2019


Sunrise, Scarborough, qld

WE HUMANS HAVE A MAJOR FAILING. We will give up peace, harmony, safety, security, even our sanity for this one thing. And that thing is, ‘Being Right’. The need to ‘Be Right’ means we are prejudiced. Everything we see or hear has to be first screened through our rigid, narrow minded judgmental system.

This need to ‘Be Right’ then means that our interpretations are always corrupt and almost always wrong. This holds true, not just for us as individuals, but as a collective. This is true especially for religion. Every religious denomination thinks that their beliefs are right and anyone who believes differently is wrong. 

By not seeing multi-religious ideologies as a threat, we try to solve the world’s problems as if it were a political, or an economic, or even a military problem, but it’s none of these. In reality it is a spiritual problem and that is one problem we humans don’t seem to know how to solve.

The Bible, the Koran and other holy books have been misread. We have not heeded the deeper message of these books. We have read them, preached about them, debated them, fought over them, even killed for them, but never really understood them.

There is nothing wrong with having different interpretations, but what is wrong is alienating each other over these differences. We need to let go of this tendency to always be right and by ostracizing others who interpret spirituality differently than what we do if we are ever going to have peace on earth.

In our need to be right, our misunderstanding has given us the false authority to mistreat others the terrible way we have done in the past and continue to do so today. This problem is unconscious. Most human beings are not even aware they have them.

By being aware of our need to ‘be right, in our opinions, our religious leaning, even if we are an agnostic or an atheist, we have a chance to solve the world’s problems. We end mankind’s mindless religious wars and persecution and open ourselves up to the universal energy of love and compassion that is waiting there for us...

Dan’s Quote: “Believe in my spiritual beliefs or I will label you an infidel or terrorist
______________.......    ...............or maybe even kill you."

Header: Sunrise, Scarborough, Queensland, Australia

1 comment:

  1. Nice and creative writing. Thanks for share with. Keep writing like this.

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