Friday, March 16, 2018

Getting To Know You

Bronte Beach

DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU REALLY ARE? Have you ever stopped and wondered why your life sucks at times? Like most of us, do you blame life or others for your misfortunes? The truth is there’s no one to blame. The world is your classroom and the people in it are acting out roles in your life drama.

You are the director who has cast them as family, friends and antagonists. The role they play in your life has been orchestrated by you. Life is a learning process and all the pain and suffering, fears and hate has been purposely placed there by you.

Depending what it is we need to learn, some of us might choose to suffer more than others. Some may decide to be born into war zones, or live in poverty, or live a life of pain and illness. Then there are some who don’t seem to suffer that much at all.

But we all suffer to some degree. We all suffer the fear of being hurt, of losing a loved one, our possessions, our financial security, and there’s the ever present fear of our own death. By getting to know ourselves better, we realize that all this is our own doing.

We must stop blaming others, including  governments, the tax office, the weather etc. Although it’s hard to reconcile the fact, we need the bad as much as the good. We need all that suffering and all the fear that’s in our life so we can learn and advance onwards towards our own perfection.

Our suffering and fears are trying to teach us something. Learn the lessons and the suffering stops. Fear is situated at one end of the spectrum, while love sits at the other. In every moment we have the choice to be happy and fearless or sad and fearful. It’s up to us where we sit. 

We must strive to live with love and not fear. We are primarily motivated by those two underlying emotions. These two extremes influence every aspect of our lives. We always have the choice as to where we sit. In your present life story, where do you sit?...

Dan’s Quote: "The obstacles in life are not obstacles at all,
_____________but stepping stones towards our own perfection.”


Header: Early morning surfers at Bronte Beach Sydney, NSW, Australia.

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