Friday, February 23, 2018

An Ego’s Eye View

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YOUR MIND CAN ONLY MAKE SENSE OF LIFE by using past data it has collected during your present lifetime, from birth until the present. It has no knowledge of things existing in the wider spectrum. Even though you may be giving your best effort, your everyday human mind can never discover who you really are.

When you imagined this universe into being, you also imagined a physical body. One that you identify with as being your own, separate and distinct from others. You became very attached to this entity, always trying to protect it from harm and emotional distress.

All this deepened the delusion of ‘Who You Think You Are’... YOU must see through you. Your ego self exists only in time. Your true self does not live in time but in the pure present. So in order to access data having to do with Who You Really Are, you first have to access data from outside your present lifetime experience.

This data often appears in your life as intuition, which means 'inner-teacher'. The problem is you don’t listen to that quiet inner voice, instead you are overwhelmed by the incessant, noisy chatter of your ego mind who knows nothing at all about Who You Really Are... and never will.

Until you wake up to this fact, all you can ever do is repeat life on the same level, repeating the same mistakes, the same ideas, religious ideas, worldly ideas. All you can ever do is repeat life on the horizontal level, it can never rise above that.

It is extremely important for you to understand this. Because if you understand, you will also have insight into why you have not changed your nature and why human kind as a whole has not changed its nature. You will understand why you’re still a captive of your own irritations and negativities about life.

You will understand the causes of where you went wrong, and understanding those causes thoroughly you will then see they are false, and seeing the false will allow room for something different. So today, walk in awareness and listen to that quiet voice within. Do so by simply choosing to do so - and watch your life change...

Dan’s Quote: “Are you perfect? Hell no! Make mistakes? Hell yes!
_____________Stumble and falter? My oath! A work in progress? Always!!!”
This post was inspired partly from research into articles from: A New Life, C.W.G.,  Abraham and others.  Header: Ski fields at Perisher Valley New South Wales, Australia.

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