Friday, October 27, 2017

Rights And Wrongs


WE ALL HAVE REASONS for behaving the way we do. We believe our thoughts and actions are always right and legitimate, or at least excusable, while at the same time believing that it’s other people who are fallible and prone to acting and thinking wrongly.

The truth is there is both good and bad in us all and we are all guilty of hiding the fact that our own thoughts are not always virtuous or our actions done with good intent. In reality though there is no such thing as pure good or pure evil, least of all in us humans.  
In the best of us we think and act questionably at times, and in the worst of us, there are thoughts and actions that are at times deemed merit-worthy. A sinner may think virtuous thoughts or perform good deeds in some areas of their life... while a saint may at times act badly or harbour lustful thoughts.

A cat kills and eats mice. Does that make him bad? The cat certainly doesn’t think so, but it is also certain that the mice have a different opinion. Every murderer thinks at the time the victim needed killing, whether for self defence, act of war or many other reasons, although the victims would of course think otherwise.

So called evil people behave the way they do because in their mind they think it right and legitimate for them to do so, just as good people behave the way they do for the same reason. We are all the same deep down, believing that we are right and justified in whatever way we think and in the actions we take.

We all live our lives from our own unique perspective. What we judge to be right or wrong behaviour is assessed solely from the beliefs and prejudices held within our own minds and those assessments differ greatly depending whether it’s our behaviour we are judging or the behaviour of others...

Dan’s Quote: “We don’t see things as they are... We see them as we are.”
Header picture: The majesticUluru, Central Australia.
Uluru, or Ayers Rock, is a massive sandstone monolith in the heart of Australia’s arid "Red Centre".  It is thought to have started forming around 550 million years ago.

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