Friday, September 22, 2017

Lost In Memories

South Straddie

THE WORLD YOU ARE EXPERIENCING right now is coming from within you. All that you perceive to be outside of you, people, places, etc, is a manifestation of your mind. Your life’s journey is nothing more than an illusion of reality flowing through an illusion of time and space.

You wholly exist within the timeless now moment, but your mind is lost in the memories of the past which gives you a false sense of identity. You erroneously perceive the now moment as being connected to a string of separate moments, past and future, which when strung together, you take as being your life story.

This string of moments can be likened to the frames on a strip of movie film where each frame appears distinct and separate from the others. It is only when they are projected onto the movie screen, one fleetingly after the other that you see an illusion of movement through time and space.

In an attempt to understand this better, rather than imagining yourself watching a movie, imagine yourself being the movie projector which remains stationary, it’s only each now moment flashing fleetingly across the screen of your mind that gives you the impression that you are passing through time and space.

The moments you believe are to come are nothing more than thoughts conjured in your mind of what you anticipate may happen in the future, they may be hopeful, then again, they may be fearful, but they are all fictional moments, drawn from and compared with the accumulated memories from the past.

Instead of accepting the present moment as being all there is, you collect all the bygone moments and store them away as memories, creating a false history of what you ‘think’ your life is all about, whereas in reality, when each moment has gone by it is no more, only it’s residue, its ashes remain in memory.

By being preoccupied with, thus lost in memories of moments past while fantasizing about what moments may come, you are not present to be able to adequately respond to the immediacy, beauty and vibrancy of the timeless moment that is happening right now...

Dan’s Quote: “Remain in the safety zone of the present moment.
_____________For it is the doorway to the here now and forever.”
Header: Sunrise on South Stradbroke Island Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

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