Friday, February 24, 2017

The Quiet Voice Within


EVERY DIFFICULTY, EVERY PAIN, every crisis, every loss every heartache we go through is nothing more than lessons of life. There’s a purpose to it all. Life is trying to teach us something, although while we are hurting, angry or distressed we certainly don’t think or feel that way.

There’s a reason behind everything that happens, but because we believe we are this physical entity we call ‘ME’ we make life a problem instead of accepting life just as it is. Judging it neither good nor bad, but as moments in time that are there for us to either appreciate or as a challenge that needs to be conquer.

All human beings are on the same path, even though it doesn’t appear that way. Both the oppressor and the sufferer, the rich and the poor, the sick and the healthy, has each chosen their own particular life path (pre-birth) so as to have the best chance to learn what life is trying to teach them.

The rebels and suicide bombers of Isis, the genocide enforcers of Africa, the thugs, killers, thieves and rapists of the world have each chosen their own path of learning, and if they fail, they will have to answer to their own inner voice that has been subliminally trying to tell them that their way is not the way forward.

“Both the killer, the rapist, the thief and their victims
each have their own life agendas
from which they experience what they are here to learn.”

Those not so bound up by anger, greed and ignorance may have an advantage over those that still do, but one mistake to avoid is to try and save others by protesting or forcing them into thinking the way you do. Don’t be concerned about them, they are exactly where they need to be. Your objective is to save yourself.

The inner voice of conscience that is ever present within us is elusive and subtle. You need to listen very carefully to hear it.  Becoming aware of the quiet voice within and taking heed of its warnings and advice is another lesson of life...

Dan’s Quote: “When you are going thru a difficult time in your life and wonder
what the answer is. Remember the teacher is always quiet during a test.”
Header picture: A road train driving through a thunderstorm.
'The Pilbara Western Australia ~ 
Adam Brice photography.
The Pilbara is a large, dry, thinly populated region in the north of Western Australia. It is known for its ancient landscapes, the red earth and its vast mineral deposits.

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