Friday, June 17, 2016

Everything Is Okay

Aurora australis spotted from Howden, Tasmania, in the early hours this morning by Sophie Fazackerley!

NOTHING ON THE OUTSIDE NEEDS TO BE CHANGED. It is perfect the way it is. All you need to do is change yourself on the inside. Example: If you don't love yourself, you will be unloved by others. If you are angry, impatient, arrogant, rude... you will be treated in kind by the people you encounter.

If you don't respect yourself, others will not respect you, if you secretly blame yourself for your own seeming imperfections and shortcomings, you will find fault with every person you come across in your life.

In reality you are perfectly okay just the way you are. The only problem you have is you are identifying with the fake personality and body you think you are. The people and situations out there are not the cause of your pain. You are! They are only the effect. The cause is within you.

Change your inner self criticism and insensibility into unconditional love and compassion for yourself and your life experience will change magically. Love yourself unconditionally and your ‘canvas of life’ will then picture a loving, compassionate world.

“If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself.
If you want to eliminate negativity in the world, then eliminate the negative in you.
Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation.”

You are not separate from the world... you are the world! Whatever is happening to you at any given moment is an all encompassing experience. Everything is part of that experience. In reality there is no you there experiencing an event. There is only the total experience which just happens to include you in it.

Take away your body, take away your personality and what is left? Nothing but awareness. You are pure awareness. So stop your incessant thinking and you will stop your self-identification and self criticism. Your heartache and trepidation for the future will then be replaced with joy.

The secret to finding the deeper levels of love, compassion and understanding in others is finding the same deeper levels in yourself, without finding it in yourself, you cannot see it in the other...

Dan’s quote: “It is lack of love for ourselves that
inhibits our compassion towards others.”
Header picture: Aurora Australis in the early hours of the morning.
Howden, Tasmania Australia, by Sophie Fazackerley!

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