Thursday, May 5, 2016

Oh Lonesome Me


THERE ARE PEOPLE IN OUR LIFE  that love us and we love them. Sounds great, but underneath, we are always afraid of losing that love. We are afraid that they might stop loving us and we will be left alone, so we compromise.

We act and react in their company in such ways so as to ensure that their love for us will continue tomorrow. We are not being strictly honest with ourselves or them, because if we were, we believe we might jeopardize the relationship and lose them.

Even if everything is hunky dory, we can’t avoid the uneasy thought that our loved ones are going to die on us one day and we’ll lose them that way. This is even more fearful because we are helpless to do anything about it, for it is absolutely out of our control.

We want to live forever because we are afraid of the uncertainty of death, or to be more precise, the loneliness of not being anymore. Loneliness is entirely different than being alone, which is really contentment with oneself.

Being alone is a quiet satisfaction with your own company, a realization
that you are all that is... to fully and unconditionally accept yourself as you are.

To suffer from loneliness means that we continually want something or someone that we don’t have. The more we fear loneliness - of being alone with our self, the more people and things we will want to cram around us to stymie that fear.

In having that something or someone, you would have company – your mind would be preoccupied with things and others, so you could ignore the fact that in reality, you are always alone within yourself 24/7...

Dan’s Quote: “There is a difference between loneliness and solitude.”
*This post was inspired by The Passionate Mind by Joel Kramer
Header picture: ‘Kakadu National Park’ Northern Territory, Australia.

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