Friday, April 8, 2016

Avoiding The Unavoidable

gold coast

A MAJOR PROBLEM WE HAVE is that we want every moment of our life to be good ones. Plenty of love, excitement, money, easy living etc. We certainly don’t want anything bad to come along and spoil our day do we? But it does happen, and it can happen at any time.

We all suffer from emotional/physical pain, or just plain bad luck... some more than others... but those depressing times provide us with what we need to learn while we are here. Shit will and does happen. We can’t avoid the unavoidable, no matter how hard we try.

“The more something upsets you, the more it is meant for you. When it no longer
upsets you, it is no longer needed because the lesson is complete.”
~ Bryant McGill

There is method in life’s madness. The so called good and bad days are contrasting experiences that balance out our life. They test our mettle and resolve, making us stronger, while providing us with golden opportunities to get to know and understand ourselves and life better.

“Nothing frees us like the truth, and nothing holds us back
more than not knowing it.”~ 
Mike Dooley

Everything we are going through is meant for us. So the quicker we realize that, get off our butts, get to work and learn the lessons that the 'not so good' times present to us, the quicker we will reach the pinnacle of becoming all that we can possibly imagine ourselves to be...

Dan’s Quote: “The next time you feel helpless in the face of the world's insanity, 
____________try to discover who the ‘You’ is that feels so helpless."
Header picture. Morning walk on the ‘Gold Coast’ Queensland, Australia.

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