Friday, March 18, 2016

A Fantastic Fantasy

A breathtaking sunrise at Cape Hillsborough , Mackay.

THE BIGGEST PROBLEM WE HAVE is the belief that this life is reality. That the government or climate change, or a world war, or a disease pandemic, or a collision with a comet or meteor from outer space spells the end of us. It can’t possibly happen, ‘We Are Eternal’.

This world and everything in it was created for a purpose. To provide us with a means to learn and grow towards our perfection in mind body and spirit. Ending the world, or humankind for that matter would not make sense, for none of it is real to begin with.

It’s all a fantastic fantasy! We are confusing ourselves and our fears with the human self, the bag of flesh, blood and bone that we think of as being who we are. But that is ‘Not’ who we are.

You are an eternal, spiritual being disguised as ‘you’ who has created this world
specifically to learn from the contrasting positive v. negative experiences of being human.

Our Spiritual Being (Soul) exists in a sublime state of Love, Joy and Peace. There is nothing else. So our Soul has no contrasting experiences available that will allow the appreciation of what is eternal reality. Like a rich man who has never experienced poverty, he has no way of fully appreciating being rich.

Well you might say, “So what! We spend our lives trying to avoid suffering, wouldn’t it be great if we could?”... No it wouldn’t! It’s the struggle, the effort, the pain and anxiety caused by challenging and conquering suffering that puts sense and meaning into life.

The only way your Soul can experience what it’s ‘Not Like’ to be in a sublime state of Love, Joy and Peace is to create a world that makes it possible, and then by using your mind and your body, be able to experience all the contrasting opposites of its eternal state of being.

“For most people, their spiritual teacher is their suffering.
Because eventually the suffering brings about awakening.”~ Eckhart Tolle.  

Your Soul wishes to awaken you to the truth and wonder of existence, and by so doing, enable the appreciation of what is eternal reality, creating a pathway towards its own perfection, which in reality, is your own...

Dan’s Quote: “You learn more from failure than from success.
____________Don’t let failure stop you. It builds character
Header picture: Sunrise at ‘Cape Hillsborough National Park
Located less than an hour from ‘Mackay, Nth Queensland, Australia.

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