Friday, October 2, 2015

Are You The Only One?..

Just another regular day in Sydney.

DOES THE WORLD OUT THERE REALLY EXIST?.. Or is there only you?.. Hold on, Wait a minute! Think about it for a moment. The You that is reading this... the awareness in your head that is also observing and interacting with everything around you is the only thing you can ever be sure of. Isn’t it?

Via your five senses, your awareness of self presents to you a perception of a world outside of You. This world is so convincing that you firmly believe it is real. You don’t even have to think about it. You just blindly accept that it exists, after all, you’ve been intimately involved with all this 'outside stuff' all your life.

You can see it, hear it, smell it, taste it, and feel it everywhere, but is it really real? Everything that you perceive could quite possibly be a fabrication, an elaborate dream. Sounds ridiculous but...

This is not something new, it is a philosophical theory called Solipsism that has been debated (for and against) by many great thinkers. Solipsism asserts that ‘nothing exists but the individual’s consciousness’- In other words, 'Your consciousness' alone exists. Everything else, including your body is an illusion.

At first it seems quite a harebrained idea, for it completely denies the existence of the world around you. Except when you put your mind to it. It really is impossible to verify anything but your own consciousness that seems to be centred behind your eyeballs.

Whether Solipsism has any credibility or not is impossible to say. We probably can never know whilst living this physical lifetime anyway, but think about it... Which parts of existence... of the world outside of You... can you ever be sure of? None. Each of us can only be sure in our own thoughts...

Dan’s Quote: “When you die you will become aware that life as you knew it before
___________death was just a dream, and this ‘new place’ is where you dreamt it.”

Note: I lost my darling Mother on 28th September. The last thing I wanted to do during my grieving was write another blog. She had Macular Degeneration in both eyes which meant she could not see well enough to read but she so loved for me to read my posts to her each time I published them. For her sake I decided to carry on... so this is for you Mum. xxxoo
Header picture: Just another beautiful day in Sydney, Australia.
The idea for this post came from: ‘The Mind Unleashed.

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