Friday, September 4, 2015

Peace Is Your Eternal State of Being

The spectacular Milky Way Galaxy over Uluru.

PEACE ALLUDES US... WELL IT SEEMS TO ANYWAY, but when we stand back for a moment and take a good look at ourselves, we realize that for the majority of us, our life is relatively peaceful and that all the threats against peace are mainly what we see and hear in the media.

In other words the lack of peace in far flung areas doesn’t really affect us. Although, funnily enough, this feeling of ‘un-peace’ broadcast so prolifically via the media permeates the very soul of ‘the person we think we are’... So the feeling that we are not at peace could be construed mainly as being ‘all in the mind’.

It’s all hearsay... other people suffering war and terrorism, deprivation pain and hardship, while we carry on our lives in relative harmony. Because we are all connected is this feeling of disquiet transmitted to us via the collective consciousness? Do we suffer lack of peace on behalf of others?

We can never achieve peace by changing anything. As with our perception of Love and Joy, our wish for peace relies on something happening out there, someone or something must stop upsetting us, which is not really peace at all, but only a desire, a want.

Peace can only be found within, it will never be found on the outside, with anything happening... or not happening, as the case may be... although most of us spend a great deal of our lives vainly searching for it out there. Peace is not a commodity, you can’t have it, it is not an acquisition or an emotion.

There is no need to search for it for we already have it – we just have to find it within. Love, Joy and Peace are our eternal states of being. They are who we really are. If we can become consciously aware of that fact we will magically change ourselves and if we are able to do that, we will change our world...

Dan’s Quote: “The greatest challenge in life is discovering who you truly are.”
Header picture: 
The spectacular Milky Way over Uluru in the Red Centre of Australia.

To all my kind readers: There has been a delay in posting my blogs for the last 3 weeks owing to the fact that I have been suffering a debilitating bout of influenza.
However, hopefully I am on the mend and my posts should now return to normal.
Thanks for your patience. Regards Dan

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