Thursday, August 14, 2014

Who Do You Think You Are?

dGlasshouse Mountains Sunshine Coast
YOUR THOUGHTS CREATE YOUR WORLD and that primarily determines who you think you are. This belief about who you ‘THINK’ you are helps to placate your fears of your own mortality - of not being anymore - and re-enforces your fervent, although misguided hope and faith that you will continue on forever as a separate individual.
Organized religion jumped on this band wagon a long time ago. They preached that if we believe and do what the church tells us, then we will be protected and need not fear death and damnation. If we don’t believe and do as they preach, then we may very well be condemned to oblivion.
Whatever mainstream religion promises us, eternal life in heaven, or eternal damnation in hell, it is all playing on our fear of not existing anymore. Even hell with all its purported pitchforks, fire and brimstone is a better alternative than not existing anymore, for in hell, we would still continue to exist.
Our belief system is second hand. It began forming when we were born and is mainly made up of the beliefs and opinions of others passed down to us, our parents especially. As we grow into adulthood, we may vary those beliefs somewhat, but in the main, we retain the same basic set of beliefs formed in early childhood.
What we think of ourselves, how we approach and tackle life’s problems, how we see and react to the world in general, depends on what we believe is real. As we experience more of life, our beliefs formed in childhood become ever more rigid and unmovable until they become so caked in the mud of the past that they become resistant to change.
Usually it takes a major shock, loss or extreme trial and tribulation for us to break free of our ingrained beliefs. Then it is usually the case that, not knowing how to handle the desperate situation we are in, our true self then has a chance to shine through into our consciousness, giving us the opportunity to learn what life is trying to teach us...
Dan’s Quote: “There is nothing wrong with believing…
_____________ it’s what we believe in that’s the problem.”
 Header Picture: Glasshouse Mountains, Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.

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