Friday, July 25, 2014

RefleXions on ‘The 5 Myths’ (No. 5)


CONTINUING on with the final Myth of ‘The 5 Myths About Enlightenment’ presented in the series ‘Collective Evolution’. If you have missed the earlier posts you can read Myth 1 by (clicking here). Myths 2 and 3 (click here). Myth 4 (click here). Now here is Myth No. 5...

5. I will know that I am enlightened because I will be in Bliss 24/7.

While bliss or supreme happiness would be a wonderful experience, like all experiences it will come and go. The idea that being enlightened means being blissed-out all the time is simply not true. To be awakened – or enlightened - means to be fully authentic, and to unconditionally accept the present moment, HOWEVER it appears.

Because the enlightened being is not living in the past or future, they fully embrace whatever thoughts, feelings, sensations or emotions are presently arising. So, for example, if they see an animal being abused by a human, they may indeed cry at seeing such an unconscious act. What we discover is that what we are is the SPACE for whatever experience is presently happening.

In the next post I will detail the ‘Final Thoughts’ concerning The 5 Myths About Enlightenment as related in the article.
But to finish off this particular post I would like to add a few words from another article that I think came from ‘Abraham’- I’m not sure, but it is relative to the topic we are discussing here.

"Through the whole trajectory from birth to childhood to adolescence and then into adulthood, we change so much, not only physically but also emotionally and intellectually, yet something remains unchanged. That sense of something unchanged is the eternal spark within – our enlightened self - our soul.

At the beginning it may be felt as a very subtle, almost incomprehensible intuition, but when we bring our full attention to that felt intuition of what remains the same within us throughout our whole lives, then that little seed of divine radiance can begin to reveal itself, can begin to shine brighter and brighter in our lives."

Indeed, when this revelation is fully understood, we realize we are already enlightened to the indisputable fact that we are an eternal soul experiencing a physical wonderland as a human being...

Continuing with ‘Final Thoughts'...

Dan’s Quote: “Stop having an experience and start being the experience”
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